Online Art Gallery for visual artists
Artist Statement
I am in love with my viewers… I bare my darkest fears and hopes to them, and they come with me on the journey of my everyday life. They live inside my dreams and travel the circuitry of my brain. You know me better than my brothers do … you are me.

What is the point of art, if not to create a world better than reality? And what is the point of looking at art, if not to be forever changed by the experience. This is my view of surreal art. I love to put dreams on a computer screen, I love to give irrationality pride of place. I like to push your buttons. I want you to see the beauty and the fragility of things, which is sometimes only obvious when you see it completely out of context. I love to have no limits.

Have you ever had a thought?! And then another thought … and then joined the two together, and then wondered what would happen if you added another ingredient, and then used that as a segway to something completely mundane? Look at your thoughts sometime, remember them and then see the total ridiculousness of some trains of them. I like to remember these trains, put them all together in a balanced and beautifully colored form, and click them through my mouse finger into your eyes.

I work with the unlimited possibilities of the computer, and also with the traditional mediums of paper, pencils, paints and canvas. In all of my surreal and fantasy artworks, you will see a balance and a lateral, not literal, visual symmetry. There are so many bright and beautiful artworks, and so many dark and desperate artworks. Which is closer to reality?


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